My book of poetry is currently in the editing process and the release date of the book will be announced once the editing process is done. It is a collection from the time of 2015-2016 and 2019 to show the transformation of my writing, and also to highlight important periods of my life.
After this book, I will be planning to write an "autie-biography" as Remi Yergeau would put it (AKA an autistic autobiography). This will be a very long process that could honestly take years, but if my first published book has any success, I will be speeding up the process.
I also hope to eventually make this a haven for ideas about neurodivergence for possible further publishing of material. I really do hope to create some type of transdisciplinary approach to understanding neurodiversity from my own angle. I am very much influenced by neuroqueering, and would like to expand on the idea from my personal position, and include an expanse of knowledge from sociology, psychology, gender studies, disability studies, leftist theory, and art, music, and poetry. I want my life to be understood from a neuroqueer position, and I cannot thank Dr. Nick Walker and Remi Yergeau enough for the work they have done and all the writers who contribute to Autonomous Press. You have changed my life.
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