This might change the course of what I have been working with on this blog, as well as help it crystallize into a true transdisciplinary way of looking at things. I am calling on people who are both Queer and Disabled to be the primary active members of this community.
I already discussed Queer and Disability Rights intersections, but I would like to take it a step further by focusing my topics only on Queer and Disability-related issues, particularly neurodivergence considering I am both Queer and Multiply Neurodivergent.
I would like to, however, invite any Queer people who are also Disabled in any way to help contribute to the conversations that I start on this blog, and you may see a shift, as you have been seeing, on the topics that get discussed here. Queerphobia and ableism are not mutually exclusive, but I do not think it is fair to people who are Disabled, but not Queer to be required to participate and vice versa. That also doesn't seem fair to the Queer Disabled community I am trying to reach, so from here on out, I will be talking about a number of topics related to Queer issues, Disabled issues, and various topics concerning Neurodiversity.
Of course, anyone is welcome to read my blog, but I would prefer that if there is participation on the part of others, that I am reaching the Queer Disabled community.
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